Thatcham Trackers

Thatcham Trackers

Securacar Ltd can supply and install a comprehensive range of Thatcham approved trackers.

As of January 2019, the Thatcham criteria regarding vehicle trackers was updated. Gone are the old Cat5 and Cat6 trackers and in are the latest S5 VTS and S7 VTS.

S5 VTS are supplied with ADR tags as with the older Cat5 but now the immobiliser is an option rather than mandatory.This is known as S5 Plus.

All of our trackers are accompanied by a web based interface and an app so that you can both monitor and control you tracker in real time whilst having the reassurance that you car is also being monitored by the SOC (secure operating centre).

Another new feature is “Deadlock”. This allows the user to immobilise the car  remotely from the app, and until it is unlocked via the app, the car is not going to start, even if the thief has the keys!!